Ice Hockey Storm









《冰球旋风》是央视动漫集团为迎接2022年第24届北京冬季奥运会而精心策划、重磅打造的中国首部冰球题材大型动画片。本片充分发挥动画片的自身优势,深度挖掘“冰雪体育”这一题材,展现中华体育精神,通过精致的人物画风、紧张的比赛场景,贴合校园生活的特色故事,让青少年观众在观看动画的同时,喜爱上冰球运动,播撒下关于梦想与希望的种子,是一部让人热血沸腾的励志动画片。 本片讲述的是即将升入初一的12岁少年尚进,因为一次偶然的机会,激发了对冰球的极大热情。在旋风冰球俱乐部的历练下,尚进从懵懂无知、遇事三分钟热度的莽撞小子,逐渐成长为积极向上、坚毅执着的有着极强集体荣誉感的青春少年。尚进与队友们一起汲取对手长处,坚定自我梦想,感受奥运的精神力量,最终收获友情,凝聚团魂,使得旋风队成长为一支奋勇顽强、团结协作的队伍。

(ENG)Ice Hockey Together, the first large-scale, ice hockey themed animated series in China, is elaborately developed and produced by CCTV Animation Group to welcome the 24th Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games. The series takes advantage of animation and gives full play to the winter sports theme. As an excitingly inspirational animation, it shows the Chinese sport spirits through quality character design, intense game scenes, and characteristic school plots so that the teenage audience would begin to love the ice hockey sport as they watch the series and thus sow the seeds of dream and hope. The story begins with a 12-year-old boy Shang Jin, who is about to start his junior high year, becomes enthusiastic about ice hockey upon an accidental occasion. Under the training of Storm Ice Hockey Club, from an ignorant teenage hothead who tends to give up midways, Shang Jin gradually grows to be a positive, determined young boy who strongly values the team honor. Along with his teammates, Shang Jin learns from their opponents, keeps pursuing their dreams and experiences the spiritual power of Olympic. Eventually, they build up friendship and solidarity so that Team Storm becomes more tenacious and united.
